Saturday, January 26, 2013

semana 28 enero

Hola clase,

So this week we will be testing :(  I know.  I hope you are all studying for your chapter test and you have revirewed your grammar. The current event/ tertulias were a success.  We will continue doing tertulias so you are all expected to be ready to present.  Remember we are focusing of speaking the rest of the year.

This week in class SO9 we will also begin our book:  El libro secreto de Daniel Torres.  With it we will travel to Argentina and our country's capital.  I will be checking your vocabulary list on Tuesday to make sure you will be able to keep up with the reading.  Based on the book you will also be working with grammar. You will need to be able to identify the present, present progressive, preterite and the imperfect in the reading. It will take us a while to read this book since we are only reading for part of the class each day. There will be reflections assigned and other related activities to the reading.  At the end of the book you will write a book report and receive AR points for the reading.

SO8 we will be reading and listening to some conversations in different/realistic settings.  You will then be asked to recreate or discuss information from the reading.
I will be combining your shopping chapter with the community chapter. Plan on creating your own store which will then be located in the community we will create as a class. I have not decided yet if we will have a fashion show or not. I will let you know.
SO8:  you need to bring the following workbook pages to class.  The rest will be assigned as homework.  For Wed/Thursday bring:  section 2 pages 35-38  (writing/audio section).

Your next current event will be due: 05/06 February countries: Honduras/ El Salvador topic: community problems (examples: dirty water/ people becoming ill for unknown reasons/ toxic dumping) So8/So9

I am placing assignments that are coming up for all of you So8/SO9.  Some of these are test preps.  I will not be collecting these for a grade.  It is a study tool for all of you.
SO8:  go to type in code: jdd-0218, jdd-0308
SO9: type: jdd-0408, jdd-0508, jdd-0608, jdd-0707

SO9:  Our next big grammar topic will be the imperfect. You will be assigned videos to watch and take notes on. You will then be asked to explain it to a classmate and compare your explanation with their's and figure out if you are both correct or semi-correct. This will be one of our tertulias. Be prepared for lots of work with this tense since it is important. Once you feel confident with this grammar topic you will be asked to create a mini video to present to the SO8 class who will begin learning the concept shortly. For the mini video you will once again work in pairs. You will provide examples, show the difference between it and the preterite, explain its purpose, etc. In order to film you will have the option of using the classroom/ board etc. before class on the dates assigned. you can also do it on your computer with a camera if you so wish. We will discuss this soon but be prepared.

We will then return to food and the formal commands to make sure you understand it well. For this topic, we will be helping in a healthy food project for a local children's hospital (Children's Miracle Network). You will be given community service hours and recognition for your participation in the acknowledgment section of the book, once published. So we have a busy 9 weeks.

SO8/SO9 grammar sites:  I will make links on the useful resources section

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