Monday, March 11, 2013

semana 11 marzo

Hola clase,

This week we will check all the classwork assignments we have not finished checking.  We will review direct object and indirect object pronouns.  (For practice see links on last week's blog)  Since the 9 weeks is at the end, I decided not to give a 9 week exam this time and instead you will have the 9 week exam plus all the material covered up to progress report of next 9 weeks.  This will be a cumulative exam for 14weeks worth of material. Start preparing now and yes, WalkOut will also be on that exam. 

This week we will work on demonstratives and direct object pronouns and begin with indirect object pronouns. Be prepared for pop quizzes this week on those topics.  You will have homework each night, this is the price so you do not have work over Spring Break.  We will also begin imperfect tense in the next 2 weeks.  Be prepared to work until the end.


We will finish our translations this week of your recipes and begin the community service project (the Cookbook) this week.  Next week you will present and begin working on your recipe demonstrations.  This week you will begin working on the subjunctive and we will be reviewing direct and indirect object pronouns.  Your 9 week exam has alos been postponed until progress reports.  Yours will be cumulative and have more vocabulary and the book we are reading will also be on the exam.  We will continue to read Daniel Torres and should be done by Spring Break.  When you return you will write your book report and receive AR points for the last quarter.