Thursday, September 25, 2014

la semana de 29 de septiembre 2014

Hola clase,


This week we will be reading again a small article.  This time you will be reading on your own using the techniques you have learned thus far. There will be a chart for you to fill out as you read in order to help you answer the questions.  We will be starting reading and reviewing facts related to Hispanic Heritage.  The new grammar concept for this week will be present progressive and next week we will review saber/conocer.  Please remember that the drills of tener, adjectives, present tense verb make ups MONDAY the 29th will be the last make up days for those drills.    The ser/estar, stem changing verbs you have until October 13th to make them up.
Editorials are due!!!  And you will be allowed to present for extra credit.  Your name must be on the sign in sheet at the door in order to present if not you will not present.  

This is another explanation:  Make sure to only review present tense

para practicar:


This week we will be practicing the present perfect.  You will be doing an in class writing assignment.  This will be one of your MYP grades as well.  You will be assigned a list of words you will be responsible for translating, give an example (could be a person, class, movie, etc) that helps you remember the word and you will also have to give the part of speech.  The part of speech is given in the dictionary when you look up the word.  You will be responsible for a section of these words and will have to bring them to class done because you will be sharing it with others in the class.  We will need these words for the reading.  You will be placing your definition and your examples on the portal, so you will be typing it and turning it in to the portal (NO WHERE ELSE THIS TIME) by October 1st at 1159 pm.  Please make sure you look up the correct version of the word.  The final product will then be compiled and placed on the portal for you to print at home or write in your cuaderno.

Our grammar topic for the week will be the future tense.  Be ready to come take notes.

This week we will be watching videos based on the coronation reading and continue our tour of Spain.  We will be working on our note taking skills and summary writings.  

Friday, September 19, 2014

semana de 22 de septiembre

Hola clase,


We will continue our tour of Spain.  We will be reading an article about the coronation of the new king of Spain.  We will also be watching video of the coronation and commentaries. You will have a vocabulary list for the reading and we will be doing different reading strategy activities to help you understand the book. You will be presenting your skits this week as well.  We will begin studying the travel vocabulary as we prepare for our brochure next quarter.  You will have your vocabulary page 1 test this week.  The words are on quizlet.  Vocabulary page 2 test will be the following week.  ESTUDIA


We will have the ser/estar drill this week.  If we did not grade the packets in your class we will do that as well and continue the ser/estar/hay worksheet we started.  Remember your editorials are due this week for odd days.  They must be placed on the portal or emailed to me as an attachment by the deadline.  Even days you have until the 01 October since you just received the miniproject on the 19th.  Study for your vocabulary list page 2 the test will be on the 29th/30th for all. We will begin our next reading assignment the history of paper.  You will have a vocabulary list for the reading and we will be doing different reading strategy activities to help you understand the book.  Be prepared with all your materials each class.  To study for the drill use the post from last week for the links.

Friday, September 12, 2014

la semana de 15 de septiembre 2014

Hola clase,


This week you will have the drill on stem changing verbs.  Below I am placing games for you to practice and the ser/estar/hay practices as well.  Below you will also find the upcoming quizzes/drills/tests/due dates to all assignments for the remainder of the quarter including the 9 week exam dates.  Also you will have a mini project assigned to you in class this week.  It is an editorial from your favorite book.  I will place the instructions as well as practice exercises for the drills on the portal for you to look at and refer to.  Please remember the portal will be down for maintenance this Friday 12 September and will not be up until later in the weekend.  

Keep practicing using the quizlet for the page 1 vocabulary test this week.  Also remember to begin studying page 2 of the list with the quizlet.

Upcoming dates:  week of 15 Sept- drill stem changing verbs, vocabulary test, HW packet due on the 19th for odd days, even finish CW packet due 19th as well.
- week 22 Sept: ser/estar drill and mini project: Editorial due (la Crítica)
-week 29 Sept:  vocabulary page 2 test
- 10/13 October:  9 week exam

Stem changing verbs:  (some misspellings)



Hola clase,

On the portal you have the vocabulary for the  travel chapter, hotel, food and flying/going by train.  You are responsible for these words.  They are to help you with the skit and for the remainder of the quarter.  You will be using this vocabulary to discuss different activities and a final quarter skit you will create.  I am placing present perfect games/quizzes below for you to practice before this week's drill.  You will also have the Otto exam this week.  BE READY!!!  It will be closed book, closed notes unlike the quizzes.  You will also have the test on the vocabulary page 1. 

Here is the information for you to study for Otto's test this week.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

la semana de 08 septiembre 2014

Hola clase,


Aquí les pongo otro powerpoint con el presente perfecto.

Please take notes for this week on the powerpoint.  You will be expected to know these conjugations.  You will see them on worksheets and on drills.    (yes it has some spelling errors but the tables are great)  (this one is all in English, and it has practice exercises in English in case you are having difficulties grasping the present perfect in your native language)  (this is an explanation and a practice quiz)  (great graph of irregulars)  (we will be using this in class)

I will be checking your notes at the end of the week.
vocabulary for test:   use quizlet on useful resources to study and practice

Sueño de Otto vocabulary drill this week and exam next week as soon as we finish the book.!!!!


This week you will have a packet to review present tense verbs.  It will be due on the 11th for odd days and the 12th for even days.  We will check it before the second present tense drill.  Yes, you will have 2 drills this week on the same concept, present tense verbs.  Next week we will have stem-changing verb drills and your first vocabulary test.  We will be using the review exam for the vocabulary test.  I will be handing them back on Monday and Tuesday so you will have time to study.  I am also giving you access to the quizlet I created with the first list so you can practice the next 2 weeks.  I will give you instructions in class but it will be located in the resource section here on the blog.  The vocabulary has 78 words so practice a few at a time.  I have not decided the format but there will be fill in the blanks or translate.

Below are games for you to use to practice for the present tense regular verb drills.  (this is a practice quiz)   (game)    (game)  (quiz)  (quiz)