Monday, December 28, 2015

semana de 02 de enero de 2016

Bienvenidos a un Año Nuevo

Midterm exams:  I will place the banks of possible questions in the portal this week so IF you want to start studying early you may.  Midterm exams will be: 12 and 13 January.  You will have all period and NO notes will be allowed.

January is a busy Month :)  Be ready to work.  This week we will begin a new chapter on clothes.  Please print OR copy the vocabulary lists on quizlet.  The 2 vocabulary lists are located under the December 2014 list.  You will need both SO8 lists!!!  Due date: 07/08 January in CLASS.  It will be for 2 HW grades.  We will review SABER and CONOCER and comparatives as our next grammar topics.  I will place links and activities for you on here later in the week.  So stay tuned to the posts because I will be updating it frequently.  We will also be reviewing and/or learning the past tense, demonstrative adjectives, direct and indirect object pronouns with this chapter. By the end of the week we will begin with listening exercises.  We will have a story we will be reading after the midterm exam.

SO8 ¿Qué ropa compraste? What clothes did you buy? 55 terms

SO8 clothing (la ropa) and places to shop (lugares para ir de compras) 64 terms

Please print out the traveling lists from quizlet.  This will be for 2 separate HW grades, one for each list.  Print it or write it, it is your decision due date: 07/08 de enero IN CLASS.  We will be working on hotel vocabulary, train and airplane travel.  You may see some of the vocabulary on the midterm. I have not decided yet. I will make a bank of questions for you and place it on the portal so you may print it, study it, etc.  We may be reviewing some grammar, the future tense so a prepararse :)
 In November 2014

el hotel vocabulario (SO9) 51 terms

vocabulario para viajar (SO9) 79 terms

Friday, December 4, 2015

semana de 07 de diciembre

New material :)


This week we will continue with emergencies but move from natural disasters to talking about injuries.  We will also begin to discuss prepositions (por/para) and their uses.  You will be receiving HW this week including copying the new vocabulary.  

HW #1:  create 5 test questions using the vocabulary.  It cannot be translations.  For example:  Paco estaba corriendo cuando _____ con un libro. (a. se tropezó, b. llamó, c. montó)  respuesta: A.
due: 10 (even)/11 (odd) on paper or via email!!! remember to give your work a subject if you send via email.  No one drive or portal for this assignment.

HW#2:  Worksheet using vocabulary (due: 14/15 December)

HW#3: (2 grades) ALL in ENGLISH.    a. Por vs para find a good video explaining the difference.  
b.Then post the link on the discussion panel on the PORTAL.  
c.After you place the link give a brief explanation of what you learned (2 sentences!!!).  
d. Then write a question about something you are still confused about or are having trouble understanding. 
e.  on a separate day (NOT the day you post) answer someone else's question.  Please be sure to address the person.  For example:  Kayla, I think it means... I thought ... was helpful.  
all parts are DUE:  16 December @ 10:30 PM NO LATER


This week we will be reviewing possessive adjectives.  Your drill on reflexive verbs is 09 (even)/11 (odd) December.  Start preparing.  You will have HW on possessive adjectives this week and continue working on reflexives.  Your projects are due 08 (odd)/09 (even).  NO excuses.  If you have not come to see me for extra help and/or instructions I will not be extending the deadline for you. I gave everyone an extra week.  I have placed the instructions below.  You will have a portal homework with the grammar we have covered.  It will be due: 15 December by 9:30pm NO LATER!!!  On the portal.  If you print, it will be due in the box by 15 December at 3:30 PM!!! NO Later.  No excuses.
¨In Spanish!!! Describe your daily routine in 2 paragraphs.  Each paragraph needs a minimum of 5 sentences.
¨You will be using your sequencing vocab as well as your routine vocab.
¨Example:  First I wake up, then I …

¨(when ever possible use exact times) example a las 8 de la noche.
¨Paragraph 1: describe your morning routine before going to school
¨Paragraph 2:  describe your nightly routine after you get home from school and/or work.
¨All verbs must be CONJUGATED

¨Example:  Miguel se acuesta a las 1045 por la noche.

sequencing vocabulary:  
nLuego  later
nFinalmente  finally
nÚltimo  last
nPróximo   next
nSoler  (o-> ue)  in the habit of
nPrimero  first
nSegundo  second
nTercero   third
nDespués (de)  after
nAntes (de)  before
nEntonces  then
nMás tarde  a little later

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

semana de 30 de noviembre 2015


This week is Mercado!!!  You must bring all your supplies to class.  NO DELIVERIES!!!! Below are the activities of the week.

Odd: quiz vocabulario (30 November)
Continuar con Reflexive verbs: drill reflexives 10/11 December

HW: reflexive verb worksheet
Mini proyectos due: 07/08 December (on your day of class)
Pasaportes due TODAY (30 November)
Banners for Mercado due by Wednesday (20 minutes to work in class)  ALL in SPANISH
Mercado 3/4 December (you must have your stuff that day NO DELIVERIES!!!)
Listening activity/video


This week you will be presenting your skits.
Odd: quiz vocabulario (30 November)
Pasaportes due TODAY (30 November)
Banners for Mercado due by Wednesday (20 minutes to work in class)  ALL in SPANISH
Mercado 3/4 December (you must have your stuff that day NO DELIVERIES!!!)

Friday, November 13, 2015

semana de 16 de noviembre


This week we will continue working on natural disasters, emergency vocabulary.  You have the Manco Capac vocabulary quiz.  You will also be participating in speaking activities with the new vocabulary.  I will be assigning a mini-project where in groups you will need to decide who is the reporter, the witnesses, the first responders, etc.  More info to come in class.  You will be given class time to work on the skit.  All in Spanish of course.  We will also continue using the National Spanish Exam bank to practice for the EOC.  The quiz for the vocabulary on emergencies will be 23/24 November.  As you chose, the 9 week exam will be before the winter break.  It will be cumulative.  Start preparing!  We will begin the emergency room vocabulary before Thanksgiving, those will also be on the quarter exam. 

Use the quizlet to study your vocabulary.

ALL CLASSES: If you will be absent the day of the quiz remember you must come in Monday morning during tutoring to make it up.  Only the Monday after your absence!!!!  All work must be made up.

This week we will continue working on the new vocabulary.  You will have listening and speaking activities this week. We will have some game time with the new vocabulary as well. We will also start learning our new grammar topic: reflexive verbs.  You will be assigned a mini-project next week, more information to come.  It will be 2 paragraphs, examples will be given in class. You have not decided when to have the quarter exam, this will be discussed this week in order to give you enough time to prepare.
Vocabulary quiz 23/24 November.

HW:  you will have to take notes on the videos posted below and show me in class your notes on 19/20 November.

Use quizlet to study your vocabulary!!

Friday, November 6, 2015

semana de 9 de noviembre

This week your vocabulary on daily routines is due. You also have a HW due on the portal on the 11th of November.  Make sure to turn it in on time.  IF you are going to print it you must turn it in prior to the 11th.  No late work will be accepted.  We will be having the Heroes vs Villains test this week be prepared.  The drill for stem changing verbs is coming up as well.  Study.  I will be placing games for you to review both the vocabulary and the grammar.

stem changing verbs


This week we will be finishing with Manco Capac and the vocabulary.  You are responsible for learning the Spanish definitions.  Those are provided in the quizlet.  You will have a test on the 16/17th of November on the vocabulary.  This week we will continue with our natural disaster vocabulary and the imperfect.  You will be doing a fishbowl activity with your current events as well.  I will place games and activities below for you to practice the new vocabulary.  You will have a test on the vocabulary of Natural Disasters before Thanksgiving.

Friday, October 30, 2015

semana de 02 de noviembre

ALL SO8 and SO9 classes REMEMBER your earbuds to test on NOVEMBER 2 and 3!! or else you cannot test.  No make ups!!


Pre-test EOC November 2 and 3
Nuevo vocabulario: desastres naturales

En las noticias:  (current event) Natural disaster (such as an earthquake) use Spanish newspaper (check blog) in the last month (01 octuber-04 noviembre), anywhere in world.  Imprime (print) artículo, escribe un resumen (summary), contesta ¿quién(es)?, ¿dónde?, ¿cuándo?, ¿cómo?, ¿qué pasó?, ¿cómo están recuperándose (recovering)? Due: 09/10 noviembre en clase

New vocabulario: la rutina diaria, sequencing words
HW:  copy the words SO8 daily routine from quizlet they are under the December 2014, due date: November 9/10, must be in your notebook that day for a HW check!!!!
Continue with stem changing verbs, games
Tarea:  WS stem changing verbs #1 due next class
portal HW due 11 noviembre @ 11:00 pm
Drill:  stem changing verbs: 09/10 noviembre
Test on heroes and villains: 12/13 noviembre

Monday, October 26, 2015

semana de 26 de octubre

This week is the end of the quarter.  I will be checking EOC activities.  We will be finishing presentations and prepare for the exam based on the presentations.

Remember we have EOC pre-test on November 2-3, you need EARBUDS.  THere will not be any make ups!!!  You must be here that day to do the exam.

This week is the Magnet fair as well.

Next week we will begin new themes.

Friday, October 16, 2015

semana de 19 de octubre de 2015


All Highschool classes: Remember we will be having a pretest for EOC on November 2 and 3.  You must bring earbuds!!! Or you will not be able to test.  We will be in the lab for 1 hour only so we must work quickly.

The EOC pretest will replace your 9 week exam!


This week we will continue to work on stem changing verbs.  There will be HW on the portal with stem changing verbs which will be due by the 26th at 10:30 PM. There is another HW on code jdd-0104 which will also be due that week.  NO late work, no excuses about computer problems. DO NOT 

WAIT!!!  These will be the last HW assignments for this quarter.    You will have a drill 27/28 October which will be your first grade for the following quarter.  (FYI).  This week you will be presenting on your hero/villain.  You are responsible for taking notes on the presentations by your classmates since you will have a test on these individuals on 04/05 November.  Start studying each night.  


This week you will have your second drill on imperfect.  This one will be comparing/contrasting with preterite.  You will need to be able to distinguish between them and explain why you use each one.  The make up for the imperfect drills will be on 26 October ONLY!! This week we will continue to work on imperfect and will continue reading about Perú.  We will finish the vocabulary list for Lago Titicaca and Manco Capac.  We will also read this mythological story as well this week.  We will then begin practicing our map skills.  Practice the vocabulary as well you will be responsible for the words and there will be a test on them.  (different lists = different days of testing).  Both will be for 2nd quarter grades.  

This week you will be doing a summary of the Lago Titicaca reading.  You will have HW with imperfecto so prepárate :)

Monday, October 12, 2015

semana de 12 de octubre de 2015



This week we will have our drill on ser/estar.  We will continue practicing in class.  Remember you have the project due on the 16th and place it on the portal.  You also have a HW due on the 12th by 1030 pm.  Remember if you have any problems with the project you only have until Wed.  to ask me for help.  We will be presenting projects beginning the 19th.  Take time to practice and make sure you used words, sentences that are easy for you to pronounce and explain if need be.  


This week we will be reading the leyend of Titicaca.  We will continue to work on imperfect and prepare for the drill.  Continue studying your map of Perú, once we finish with the readings we will have a map test.

Friday, October 2, 2015

semana de 05 de octubre 2015

Hola clase,


This week we will be working on the imperfecto and the programas de tele vocabulary.  We will continue with the information about Perú and be reading our first story, one of the leyends from this country.  I will be making updates here and on the portal so keep track of both for HW.


THis week will be busy.  You will have a quiz again on the vocabulary since the last batch was awful and many of you turned it in blank :(.    Remember you have HW on the portal due this week and the project is due the 16th.    You have another HW due 08 October on the portal.  Read carefully what you are supposed to do and turn it in by the time it is due, NO later!!!.  You will have a speaking activity this week and we will begin our next grammar topic, stem changing verbs.  Keep practicing ser/estar the drill for this is the 12/13 octubre.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

semana de 28 de septiembre 2015

Hola clase,


This week we will continue working on the school vocabulary.  You will have a quiz on the vocabulary of the back page of your notes (also part 2 of quizlet school vocabulary).  It will be this Monday/Tuesday.  We will also be reviewing ser/estar and expect a drill next week.  This week we will also be doing a reading comprehension on school related topics as well as begin our Hispanic Heritage readings.  You will be assigned a project at the end of the week.  It will not be due until 16 October by 10:30 PM on the portal.  I will place on the portal the instructions in case you "lose" yours.  The project is a powerpoint or prezi presentation.  There is a speaking component which will require you to present.

We have 5 computers available in class which you can use on mornings I do not have meetings and/or if you get to school before 830.  use your portal and your cloud to save your research.  Memory sticks are no longer allowed.

This week you will also have small HW assignments related to the grammar topic and or school vocabulary.  Use your time wisely and do not procrastinate.


This week you will continue to watch TV for HW.  It is 10 minutes you are required to watch.  If you chose to watch longer remember that is not part of the assignment.  The listing of which show each night will be given to you in class.  I will also be checking what you have so far, so do not try to do all the assignments in one day.  If you are using the same show please remember it must be 2 separate episodes.  

We will begin on the new grammar topic but this week we will review preterite tense before we begin on the imperfect.  This will be the last of the past tense forms you will be expected to know.  One day this week we will also begin our reading after you have turned in your HW on Peru.  You will be presenting your information in Fishbowl format so know your topic well.  The rest of the class will be taking notes on what you discuss and what you present.  A different group will present each class.  If you get nervous or speak low start practicing projecting and calming down.

Next week we will begin the HW for grammar.  I will try to keep it brief.

Friday, September 18, 2015

semana de 21 de septiembre 2015



This week we will continue to work on present perfect and transition into our vocabulary section.  You should have already written your words down from the quizlet.  I am checking those this week just like the EOC activities.  You will have watching TV as a HW assignment.  Beginning 23 September you will watch a different type of show each night for 10 minutes and then write a brief summary of what you saw including main characters/speakers and your opinion of the show.  You will do this each night and on 05/06 October you will turn in.  I may do surprise HW checks so be prepared to have it ready at any time prior to the due date.  With this chapter you will be doing skits and filming yourselves so plan on who you want to work with.  Yes, it could be from the other class as well.  If you decide to work with a member of the other SO9 class you must come in prior to school to choose your topic.  
 This week we will begin preparing for our new readings and new country to explore.  We will now be traveling to Perú.  As a HW due 28/29 September find a geographical fact from the country (e.g. Lake Titicaca is part of the border with Bolivia),  a historical fact of the country, an important historical figure, a place to visit (not Machu Picchu) and one city (not Lima) and what is interesting about it.  Please write the sentences in SPANISH, of course.  Keep it simple.


This week we will continue to work with our vocabulary: La Escuela.  You have a vocab quiz this week (no make ups for this).  It will be on the FRONT portion of your paper.  You will have a second quiz next week on the BACK of the paper.  Use the quizlet part 1/part 2 to study accordingly.  We will begin our review of SER/ESTAR which will be your next drill the first week in October.

This week I will be checking your EOC activities before progress reports for 2 grades.  We will be reading this week and for those of you who have trouble I will go over strategies to help you read and understand what you read in Spanish. You will be working in groups this week and next to make an in class project dealing with class rules and creating a school crest.

Remember you have a retest of the countries and capitals map so STUDY!!!!!  Use the archive section on the left of this blog to go back to old posts and review the material.

Friday, September 11, 2015

la semana de 14 de septiembre 2015

Hola clase


This week we will continue to practice the map of Latin America in preparation for another geography test.  Review all the practice worksheets and use the archive (on the left side of the blog) to practice and review. We will also continue to work on the Escuela vocabulary.  There will be HW assignments this week related to the vocabulary.  We had the adjective drill last week, remember to come in on the 15th to make up the drill if you did not like the grade.  I take the higher of the grades.  With the school vocabulary we will review ordinal numbers, stem changing verbs as well as introduce you to affirmative and negative words (a hard concept for some of you).  The next drill will be on stem changing verbs.  We will not touch on the concepts until next week but to prepare you for what is coming.  The next 2 weeks we will be doing reading comprehension assignments other than the mini assignments we do for EOC practices.  I have placed the quizlet for the la Escuela please make sure you choose the one that says SO8  if you need a review of old vocab look at the other but the focus of the vocabulary quizzes will be the new vocabulary.


This week we will continue to work on present perfect and have a drill on that grammar concept.  Your make up drill date is the 21st of September.  Since we have finished Argentina be ready for the map quiz as well as the vocabulary quiz on Argentina at the end of the week.We will begin our study of a new country and the readings will pertain to that country. We will be looking at Perú next.  We will also have a new list of vocabulary.  Check the quizlet for las películas vocabulary (they are under February 2015/December 2014).  There are 2 lists you will need for movies and T.V. programs.  You may write the words in your cuaderno OR you may print the words.  NO you may not show me on your phone that you have the words.  You need a physical representation!  I will be checking on the 21/22 for this assignment.  This week HW will consist of a map and continued work on present perfect.  If I feel you are not ready for the drill this week I will postpone till the 21st.  Be ready and practice.

Below are exercises and games to help with present perfect:

For map review look in the archive section from a few weeks ago to have the links to practice

Friday, September 4, 2015

semana de 07 de septiembre

Hola clase,


We have begun to work on the school vocabulary.  It is a review of what you have learned as well as synonyms of these words.  Below you will find reviews of the vocabulary.  In class we will be working in groups to create conversations to talk about class and what we need for each subject, etc.  This will be a speaking grade.  You will have other assignments such as wordsearches, readings, etc. throughout the week.  Next week we may have the vocabulary pop quiz.  Start preparing by studying the material below and your list we did in class.

This week you will have your first drill on ADJETIVOS.  Practice.  08/09 septiembre= drill date  make up date will be on the board IF you do not like your grade for this drill.

Countries and maps:  This week 10/11 will be your test on the trivia information of countries we have been reviewing.  I have created a quizlet for you to practice the trivia.  Use it to study.
Vocabulary quiz: 15/16 septiembre


This week we will finish with the vocabulary from Daniel Torres.  We will also be working on the present perfect tense of the verbs.  You will have a drill on present perfect 10/11 September.  Make up date will be 21 September only.  We will be doing some reading comprehension exercises focusing on Argentina.  You will have the mini vocabulary quiz on the slide with Argentina related words such as gauchos  this week. STUDY!!!!!  We will also be practicing with the Argentina map and begin a trivia exercise in order to learn the geographical features and celebrations/traditions from this Hispanic country.  Be prepared to work.  You will have homework this week.  

Friday, August 28, 2015

semana de 31 de agosto de 2015

Hola clases,

I am placing links below for you to begin practicing and reviewing geography of Latin America.  Use these sites as study tools to prepare you for the exam the week of Labor Day.

physical features:

the capitals:

for SO9 Argentina only


I am placing below quizlets to help you study for the vocabulary of Daniel Torres in preparation for the exam on 3/4 septiembre.  You have 2 tests this week.  You have the actual test on Daniel Torres and then the first vocabulary test which encompasses chapters 1-7.  Prepárate y practica :)

Saturday, August 15, 2015

bienvenidos 2015-2016


How wonderful to be returning for another year of awesome adventures and new experiences.  Be prepared to work.

I am placing a link to the workbook on the resources section (to the right of this).  You will have some homework assignments to do from the workbook.  More on that to come.  This week we will review adjectives and next week we will be having our first drill.  Start studying.  We will also begin to work on a geography review and you will have a test after Labor Day.


This first week of class you will be turning in the Daniel Torres work which was given to you prior to you leaving for break.  We will be having fish bowl discussions of the book.  Come ready with questions, etc.  At the end of the week you will be tested on vocabulary and on events from the story.  As soon as we finish Daniel Torres we will begin working on the grammar from the story and begin our tour of South America.  Be prepared to learn geography including specific land features, important landmarks etc.  We will try to keep this format for each story we read.  Some will be books, some short stories and sometimes you will be assigned current events.  It will be an awesome year.

Sra. Snow

Thursday, April 23, 2015

semana de 20 de abril

Hola clase,

In preparation for the End of Course exam I am giving you a link to the national exam.  They have some practice ones from previous years.  This will be a good practice for those of you that want to prepare.  SO8 you should practice level 01 and 1  while SO9  you should practice 01, 1, and 2 especially level 2 since that is what you should know by now.  They have practice exercises as well just go to the exam preparation tab.  We will be doing some of these in class as well.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

la semana de 09 de marzo de 2015

Hola clase,


This week you will have your quarter exam, remember it is cumulative.  We will also begin our next grammar concept Commands (Imperativo).  We will begin the review part before Spring Break.  Once we return you will learn the negative and the Usted/Ustedes versions (both affirmative and negative).  This will be one of our last grammar topics for the year.  You will also be receiving a permission slip for the movies we will be watching.  Each year a different one is needed.  There will be assignments with each movie and of course a test.  We will begin our artist investigation project upon our return from break.  You will have a reading comprehension assignment this week. We will also continue to look at clips from different programs.

Your final project is due to me on the 17th.  We will be watching the performances in class that day.  This will be the first grade for the next grading period.


This week is your cumulative 9 week exam.  Use the quizlet and the past (archive) blogs to study and review.  This week we will be doing reading comprehensions and watch an episode of Kassandra.  You will be reading about some of the Gypsy culture so you understand some of what you will see in the telenovela as we continue with it.  We will also start an investigation and be watching videos of life in the Dominican Republic in preparation for the movie we will watch.  Please remember to take notes, you will be tested on the movie or there will be some assignment pertaining to the movie.  Permission slips must be turned in by the 12th or you will have to do other work and not be able to watch the movie.  I must have a permission slip/letter from your guardian for you to remain in the room prior to the day we watch it.
Upon our return from Spring Break you will be learning direct/indirect object pronouns/ commands in the tú form, we still have some more vocabulary to sift through so come back refreshed and ready to work.  EOC's are in May we must be ready.

SUERTE estudiando.

Friday, February 20, 2015

la semana de 23 de febrero de 2015

Hola clase,


This week we will have a drill on identifying direct, indirect objects and be able to use the  pronouns appropriately.  We will finish on the packet we started last week and check it.  We will also be practicing the new vocabulary and begin working on our skit.  I will show you examples in class. We will continue to critique different Spanish shows and use our vocabulary to speak of what is happening in each clip.  You will be placed in groups to lead fish bowl discussions.  


This week we will continue with the Cinco Amigas movie.  We will be reading about Gypsies in class since we are watching Kassandra episodes.  We will use the reading to conduct a discussion in class for a reading comprehension AND speaking grade (fish bowl is a possibility).  We will continue to work on the new vocabulary.  Remember  make up demonstrative adjective drills are Monday mornings only until the 16th of March.  We will begin reflexive pronouns this week, a new grammar topic.  This will be our next drill topic.  The drill will be the first week in March.  I will be placing sites for you to practice next week.

Friday, February 6, 2015

semana de 09 de febrero

Hola clase,


This week we will begin to work with our TV and movie vocabulary.  We will be practicing with the vocabulary.  We will also begin to work with indirect object pronouns.  I will review the direct object with you in order for you not to confuse the 2 concepts. So continue practicing. I have also placed on the quizlet the second set of vocabulary with movies.  You will need this for the end of the week.  Remember you have the take home test for Daniel Torres due Monday!  The link is located on the PORTAL!!!  


This week we will be working with demonstrative adjectives.  You will have a drill at the end of the week.  We will be continuing with the audio activities as well.  The take home practice test for odd days is due Tuesday.  Continue to study and practice the vocabulary and the grammar.

Friday, January 30, 2015

la semana de 02 de febrero de 2015

Hola clase,


We are a bit behind schedule so we will be postponing the demonstrative adjective drill for another week.  We must finish our speaking exam this week, continue with our telenovela and listening exercises.  We will also continue with our EOC practice exercises each class.  Expect a reading comprehension this week and if time allows we will have another pecera activity (FishBowl).  We will also be checking all the worksheet assignments we have been working on last week.  As soon as we are done with our grammar topic of the week we will begin a new chapter.  The vocabulary is already on quizlet.  Make sure to write the words down or print the vocabulary by 09 February, it will be for a HW grade.  Use last week's blog to begin practicing demonstrative adjectives through games and quizzes.


This week we will be testing on Daniel Torres.  We will also have a pecera activity to review the book.  You have a HW assignment due on the 9th of February and a WS due this week.  Prepare yourself.  We will continue working on the imperfect since it is an important topic for you to understand.  We will begin having discussions about your childhood in order to stress the imperfect use.  We will also begin using the new vocabulary on movies and TV programs.  You will be given a diary assignment where you must watch 10 minutes of TV each night be prepared.  

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

semana de 26 de enero

Hola clase,

All classes will continue to have a daily EOC activity be prepared.  You will receive a grade for these activities twice a quarter. 

This week you will have a drill on imperfect tense of the verb.  We have already read and discussed chapters 7-8 in class on the 23 of January and the final vocabulary list was checked that day. We will be reading El libro Secreto de Daniel Torres chapters 9-10.  You are to read them at home and come ready to discuss on the 29th.  We will be finishing Daniel Torres next week 03 February.  Be prepared we will have a test on the book at the end.  We will be writing summaries of the chapters after discussions in class before the exam in order for you to use to study.  There will also be a vocabulary section on the exam so study your vocabulary for all 11 chapters.  Learn the Spanish  definitions.  Also you will need to go to the quizlet link and write the vocabulary for programas y películas.  You may also print it and attach to your notebook.  It will be for a homework grade.    We will continue working with the imperfect for another week or so before beginning commands.
I am placing games and other activities for you to practice the imperfect tense.


This week we will continue to work with the vocabulary.  We will also have notes on demonstrative adjectives.  There will be an oral vocabulary exam, so study your words because you will not be able to use the list during the quiz.  You will be working on more conversation activities and we will also be doing audio activities.  We will continue watching a segment of the telenovela and you will have to write a summary on what you have seen.  We will be doing a pecera activity at the end of the week or at the beginning of the next.  We will have drills on the demonstrative adjectives beginning the week of 02 February be prepared.  

demonstrative adjectives:

vocabulary review

Friday, January 9, 2015

la semana de 12 de enero 2015

Hola clase,

Es una semana corta.

We have made it half way through the year can you believe it!!!!

This week you have your midterm exam on Monday/Tuesday.


We will continue to work on the past tense and practice our new vocabulary.  Be prepared each class with your words you will need them.    I am placing links for you to practice the vocabulary using games.    We will continue doing small speaking activities each class as well.  If there is time we will watch the 2nd episode of the telenovela we began. Remember your homework is due the 14th at 1155 pm.


This week we will continue to work with Daniel Torres.  The vocabulary is due Thursday and will be the first grade of the next quarter.  We will continue to work with the imperfect and see how it is used with in our story.  I will be placing activities for you below to practice.  We will begin drills on the imperfect the week of the 19th.   Remember your final draft is due to me on the 13th with the rubric and your rough draft.  The final has to be emailed to me.  I will collect the other in class on the 13th before the test.