Friday, October 30, 2015

semana de 02 de noviembre

ALL SO8 and SO9 classes REMEMBER your earbuds to test on NOVEMBER 2 and 3!! or else you cannot test.  No make ups!!


Pre-test EOC November 2 and 3
Nuevo vocabulario: desastres naturales

En las noticias:  (current event) Natural disaster (such as an earthquake) use Spanish newspaper (check blog) in the last month (01 octuber-04 noviembre), anywhere in world.  Imprime (print) artículo, escribe un resumen (summary), contesta ¿quién(es)?, ¿dónde?, ¿cuándo?, ¿cómo?, ¿qué pasó?, ¿cómo están recuperándose (recovering)? Due: 09/10 noviembre en clase

New vocabulario: la rutina diaria, sequencing words
HW:  copy the words SO8 daily routine from quizlet they are under the December 2014, due date: November 9/10, must be in your notebook that day for a HW check!!!!
Continue with stem changing verbs, games
Tarea:  WS stem changing verbs #1 due next class
portal HW due 11 noviembre @ 11:00 pm
Drill:  stem changing verbs: 09/10 noviembre
Test on heroes and villains: 12/13 noviembre

Monday, October 26, 2015

semana de 26 de octubre

This week is the end of the quarter.  I will be checking EOC activities.  We will be finishing presentations and prepare for the exam based on the presentations.

Remember we have EOC pre-test on November 2-3, you need EARBUDS.  THere will not be any make ups!!!  You must be here that day to do the exam.

This week is the Magnet fair as well.

Next week we will begin new themes.

Friday, October 16, 2015

semana de 19 de octubre de 2015


All Highschool classes: Remember we will be having a pretest for EOC on November 2 and 3.  You must bring earbuds!!! Or you will not be able to test.  We will be in the lab for 1 hour only so we must work quickly.

The EOC pretest will replace your 9 week exam!


This week we will continue to work on stem changing verbs.  There will be HW on the portal with stem changing verbs which will be due by the 26th at 10:30 PM. There is another HW on code jdd-0104 which will also be due that week.  NO late work, no excuses about computer problems. DO NOT 

WAIT!!!  These will be the last HW assignments for this quarter.    You will have a drill 27/28 October which will be your first grade for the following quarter.  (FYI).  This week you will be presenting on your hero/villain.  You are responsible for taking notes on the presentations by your classmates since you will have a test on these individuals on 04/05 November.  Start studying each night.  


This week you will have your second drill on imperfect.  This one will be comparing/contrasting with preterite.  You will need to be able to distinguish between them and explain why you use each one.  The make up for the imperfect drills will be on 26 October ONLY!! This week we will continue to work on imperfect and will continue reading about Perú.  We will finish the vocabulary list for Lago Titicaca and Manco Capac.  We will also read this mythological story as well this week.  We will then begin practicing our map skills.  Practice the vocabulary as well you will be responsible for the words and there will be a test on them.  (different lists = different days of testing).  Both will be for 2nd quarter grades.  

This week you will be doing a summary of the Lago Titicaca reading.  You will have HW with imperfecto so prepárate :)

Monday, October 12, 2015

semana de 12 de octubre de 2015



This week we will have our drill on ser/estar.  We will continue practicing in class.  Remember you have the project due on the 16th and place it on the portal.  You also have a HW due on the 12th by 1030 pm.  Remember if you have any problems with the project you only have until Wed.  to ask me for help.  We will be presenting projects beginning the 19th.  Take time to practice and make sure you used words, sentences that are easy for you to pronounce and explain if need be.  


This week we will be reading the leyend of Titicaca.  We will continue to work on imperfect and prepare for the drill.  Continue studying your map of Perú, once we finish with the readings we will have a map test.

Friday, October 2, 2015

semana de 05 de octubre 2015

Hola clase,


This week we will be working on the imperfecto and the programas de tele vocabulary.  We will continue with the information about Perú and be reading our first story, one of the leyends from this country.  I will be making updates here and on the portal so keep track of both for HW.


THis week will be busy.  You will have a quiz again on the vocabulary since the last batch was awful and many of you turned it in blank :(.    Remember you have HW on the portal due this week and the project is due the 16th.    You have another HW due 08 October on the portal.  Read carefully what you are supposed to do and turn it in by the time it is due, NO later!!!.  You will have a speaking activity this week and we will begin our next grammar topic, stem changing verbs.  Keep practicing ser/estar the drill for this is the 12/13 octubre.