Friday, September 27, 2013

semana de 30 septiembre

Hola clase,

This week we will be reviewing the verb gustar, expect drills on this.  At the end of the week we will be quizzing on AFFIRMATIVE and NEGATIVE WORDS.  Start studying.  I placed on last week's blog sites from other teachers to help you understand the concept.  We will continue working this week on this before your quiz.  (Remember only DRILLS are for make ups not quizzes so study).  This week we will also be reading about another Latin American Hero:  Simon Bolivar. There will be homework this week, it will be provided to you.  Also we will continue with listening exercises.  We will continue working and reviewing vocabulary.


This week we will continue to work with the irregular preterite.  Prepare for a quiz next week.  This week you will have drills on the REGULAR preterite.  Remember there are websites for you to take notes on and to review the material.  We will continue our exploration of Spain.  Your next current event is due 08 October at the beginning of class.  Remember you need one positive and one negative article and then email me the articles. Do not print them out, save paper!  THEME:  celebrities/entertainment

Your next project will be about Spain.  Your are to create a MINI scrapbook.  Each page will display a city we have read about in class.  There should be a picture of your choice, label the page with the name of the city.  Include languages spoken, 1 cool fact from what you read, 1 place to visit in the city. You will need a map of Spain to include at the beginning of the book as a separate page. You will also need to add a  page in your book about Federico Garcia Lorca, 1 page on flamenco (what it is, where it came from, and your opinion about the music), 1 page on gypsies in Spain (3 facts), 1 page for bullfighting in Spain (3 fact/ include 1 for your opinion).  All will be in Spanish so keep your sentences SIMPLE and no using GOOGLE translator to do the work.  You will be deducted 10 points for every unoriginal sentence.  Project will be due on 18 October

Friday, September 20, 2013

semana 23 de septiembre

Esta semana tienen poco trabajo.  We have an early release as well.  Be prepared to work.  We will finish listening exercises as well this week.

This week you will be working on San Martín reading and comprehension questions.  We will continue our comparisons with the other Latin American Heroes we have already seen.  The school  vocabulary and affirmative/negative words will be the focus this week.  You will have a review worksheet on numbers.  You will begin it in class if you do not finish it you will be able to finish it for HW but it is still considered a CW grade.  Down below I placed videos to help you study for the affirmative/negative words.  The quiz will be next week (the first week of October).

 You will be working on el pretérito irregular this week.  You will also be reading about other places in Spain. You will be answering questions about the reading.  Review the powerpoints placed on the portal and take notes on them so you are ready for the drills and quiz next week.  Preterito regular will be the drills followed by the irregular ones.  Each class 3-4 verbs.  Below are presentations of irregular ones and songs to help you remember how to conjugate.  Hope it helps.  You have your eventos del momento due lunes!!! Be ready to participate in a tertulia if you have not.  Sitting outside may be an option on Monday, weather permitting.  Remember to email me the articles you are using.  DO NOT print them out, we are trying to save paper!  Also we will review your hw ws from last class to make sure you understand what you are doing. (this is a rap) (baby got, preterite song)

songs for irregular preterite:

SO8  (hope these help)

Affirmative (a song to learn negation)

Friday, September 13, 2013

la semana de 16 de septiembre 2013

Hola clase

This week is our kick off to Hispanic Heritage Month!!!  So we will be reading plenty about people and places that made an impact on what is now the Hispanic World.  We will culminate it with a tour through different classes to experience some of the contributions at the end of this month.


This week we will begin our tour of Spain, assign your Hispanic Heritage project, your extra credit assignment and continue our review of the community chapter. We will continue our verb drills.  You will see them each class period.  You will also have homework pertaining to the chapter we are reviewing.  Irregular preterite is our focus the good thing is you do not need accents bad thing is they all change drastically so there is lots to memorize :).   You will also have ser/estar verb drills this week.  We will continue to work with the irregular past tense and the week of the 23rd will start your verb drills on that topic.  Here are your two homework work sheets that will be due on Thursday.  You can copy and paste it to a word doc so you can send it to me or write the answers on a sheet of paper.  I will place notes on the portal and will share with those of you that asked to share through google docs (the irregular endings of the past).  2 worksheets due on Thursday 19 Sept.  You may as always write it in and then email it back as an attachment, print it or write the answers on a sheet of paper and bring to class.  It must be in the box or in my inbox by Thursday 345 pm NO LATER.

It is located on the portal  worksheet called: Spanish preterite worksheet preterito indefinido  (located after the powerpoints)
Notes on portal are a powerpoint and word docs about irregular preterite.  Future homeworks are also located there so be prepared to do them in the next few weeks.  It is important you know the preterite well before we move to imperfect.  The two links above are due by Thursday!!!

Eventos del momento: You will also have another current event due 23 September.  You will again use the same format 2 sets of news one positive and one negative happening in the country you are researching.  You will email me the articles!!! (as a link or as an attachment).  Do NOT print them out.  You have 2 emails to send it to, so choose 1 and send it 2 days prior to when your current event summary is due.  TOPIC: happenings in the community (good and bad).  They can not be older than the month of September!!!

Extra credit:  The 21st of this month is International Day of Peace.  For extra credit you will have a poem to recite in each of your classes, with teacher permission and to at least one administrator.  The poem will be given to you. You might be asked what it means so be prepared to answer. :)  After you say your poem, you are to remind those in the class Saturday is the International Day of Peace and that random acts of kindness towards others and towards the environment should be shown on this day as well as throughout the year.  You will then provide them with an example of what you will do to promote a more peaceful and harmonious environment in which to live.  You will be provided with a card to get signed.  You will turn your card in with the signatures for your extra credit.  Please remember to ask your teachers to allow you to read to the class.
The poems you will choose are by: Alberti, Lorca, Cervantes
I have placed a link with the poems for you to start practicing if you decide to do the extra credit.
 You may also recite "La Rosa Blanca" by José Martí (located in your text book)


This week we will begin reading about the heroes of Independence of Latin America.  We will also continue to have verb drills this week.  We will concentrate on ser/estar  and begin work on gustar.  We will have some review games to help you with the concept.  To practice ser/estar go to the archive section and choose last week's day so that link will come up then you can practice from there.  I am not placing it below.  Study!!! We will continue working on the school vocabulary as well.  Be prepared for a quiz in the near future especially after we finish all the listening comprehension activities and the readings we will be doing.  There will be hw this week but it will be given to you.

HW: I am placing the notes for affirmative and negative words on the portal and share with those of you that asked.  I will place them this weekend or Monday morning.  If you do not want to "Write" all the information or if you are absent when we cover the slides you may print them and bring them to class so you can take notes next to it.  I will have information missing so you will need to fill in in class.  I will also be placing a hw assignment the same way that will be due on the 25 of September in class or via email/portal.  ALL classes will need to turn it in by 1159 pm on the 25th.  NO LATER

IF you print out the notes bring to class on the 19/20 September to write the information that is missing.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

la semana de 09 septiembre 2013

Hola clase


This week we will be continuing your presentations on the school project.  You will also be having verb drills at the beginning of each period. We will start easy: -ar,-er,-ir drills then we will move on to ser/estar.  You will have homework practically every day from now on so be prepared.  Once we are done with our presentations we will start listening exercises and practice your vocabulary.  Start studying I feel a vocabulary quiz coming very soon :).  If you need some practice with your verbs  I will place games below and other websites below so you can practice.  Most of the grammar and vocabulary will be your responsibility to know.  In class we will focus on reading and discussions pertaining to the theme we are learning.  Starting next week we begin our Hispanic Heritage Month so each week we will have at least one activity pertaining to this month and the reasons why it is celebrated.  By October 15th we should have an activity to celebrate the end of this special month for your studies in Spanish and its many cultures.  No you will not have a project for Hispanic Heritage this year we will be doing activities in class.  You will have homework AND presentations with investigations you must do. We will discuss that at a later time once we have begun the month.

Your eventos del momento are due on the 9th AND your workbook pages (completed Sr. Wu!!!) as soon as you walk into class.  Some of you will be chosen for the first round of tertulias so know your article well.  This week we will begin to review some grammar terms as well as continue our review of the community vocabulary.  You will be working some out of the text book.  You will also begin with verb drills.  We will start with stem changing verbs, irregular verbs such as tener, poner, etc.

  If we get to go to the library this week you will be assigned your project.  Yes, this year it will be mini projects so you practice what you have learned all these years.  You will be doing lots of reading this year and in preparation to your project we will be reading lots about Spain and what that country has to offer.  Our project will involve Lorca and World War II and the Spanish Civil War.  Details to come soon...

Our first topic to tackle for grammar will be a review of el pretérito.

Below are links for you all to practice your verbs:

Stem changing verb:
(you tube is tontitofrito explanations)  ( powerpoint by other teacher)

present progressive:

ser estar:


regular verb games

classroom objects vocabulary:

Sunday, September 1, 2013

02 septiembre

Hola clase

This is a short week and you have your projects due for SO8.  We will also continue with the review of last year's material.We will begin presenting them and review the school and extracurricular movie.  Homework for the week is due on the 5th.  If you need a copy come see me ASAP since it is due the 5th.

Your next project is due on the 6th.  This week we will begin our listening exercises and new vocabulary.  Homework this week will be provided to you in class.  Be ready.