Sunday, December 8, 2013

09 diciembre 2013

Hola clase, 


This week we will be working on possessive adjectives and  finishing our chapter.  Your mini daily routine projects are due the 12th and 13th (even/odd).  If you want to present for extra credit you will need to sign in next class so I know how many of you are presenting.  If you will be presenting a powerpoint or movie you must send it to me via the portal.  I will remind you tomorrow.  Next Monday and Tuesday will be your chapter exam so be prepared.  We will be doing review activities and playing charades to review.  The other extra credit is on last week's blog.  Go to archive under the 02 diciembre link.  We will be doing group activities this week to prepare.

per request games to study from:  (for whole chapter 2A)


This week you will be finishing your skits and presenting them.  You will be reviewing in preparation for your chapter exam next week.  You will have homework as well and be doing some reading comprehensions in groups.  We will also begin la novel if we have time and get through the material we need to.  Remember the extra credit is on last week's link as well as review of commands. 

In preparation for your exam Tuesday, play the games and use the flash cards to review:  (3A)  (3B)


Sunday, December 1, 2013

la semana de 02 de diciembre 2013

Hola clase,

Mercado is Dec 5th and 6th.  Remember to bring all supplies you need to sell on your assigned date.  I will return your passport at the beginning of class in order for you to travel.  Homework will still be due on the assigned dates.


Esta semana tienen tarea:  For Wednesday's class you will have to take notes and review present progressive and the irregular forms of present progressive, such as leer, decir, pedir, etc.   You will be responsible for this concept and the activities we do with them.  We will be working on the skit to present on Wednesday. 

Extra Credit assignment:  Due December 11th and no later!  Write answers on a sheet of paper OR print the exercise when you have finished.


We will continue working on reflexive verbs this week.  You will have a reflexive verb quiz and vocabulary TEST next week, Monday and Tuesday.  Remember there are no make ups for exams and quizzes ONLY DRILLS!!!  You will be assigned a mini daily routine project due next week.  You will also have homework this week so be prepared.  There will be notes on the board for you to take concerning possessive adjectives, when you come to class take out your notebook and copy the notes.  You will be shown a video or two with the concept in order to help you remember.  We will be practicing for Mercado in class in order for you to practice what to say to your customers. 
Below are websites to help you practice reflexives and vocabulary.  I am also placing an extra credit assignment to be turned in no later than December 12th!!!

reflexive verbs and daily routine vocabulary review

EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENT:  Do assignment and print/write answers to turn in

Sunday, November 24, 2013

la semana de 25 noviembre 2013

Hola clase,

Muchas Felicidades.

This week we will work on the banners for Mercado.  Remember Mercado is December 5th and 6th.  This week we will continue working on our daily routine vocabulary and reflexive verbs. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

la semana de 18 noviembre

Hola clase


This week we will continue working on affirmative tú commands.  We will be having drills beginning with reflexive, stem changing, regular commands.  Please use games and videos placed in the archives (semana 04 noviembre) to help you refresh on the topic and to practice.  We will review irregular commands and begin working with negative commands.  This week we will be giving each other directions using maps.  Bring your workbook pages from section 2 we will be doing the audio activities pgs 59, 60, 61.  We will also be checking last week's homework.  You will begin working on a mini skit in which you ask about getting to places around Ammons.  You will have 1 whole class period to work on it and present it the following class, no exceptions. Each will need their own paper so write your lines together.  You will only be allowed to use the chapter vocabulary and school vocabulary from chapter 1A.  No dictionaries or google translator! Your book report on Cristóbal Colón is due 25 de noviembre or before!  Do not turn it it late, send it to me via email if you will not be here that day.


This week you will have vocabulary drills so practice the vocab.  Remember that you have access to the textbook via the portal and I have placed power points for you as well on the portal for chapter 2A.  This week you will be introduced to the concept of reflexive verbs so be prepared to take note or bring a copy of the power point located on the portal.  You will have a writing activity and homework this week so be prepared.  I will be assigning the next project in the next week or 2.  You will have a week and a half to get it done.  I will assign it once we have reviewed reflexive verbs.


This week you will be getting into groups for mercado and deciding what to bring.  This applies to periods 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 only.  Each part of mercado will be for a grade.  Pasaporte due: 25 (odd)/26 (even) noviembre.  If you are not here, find a way to get it to me before that day or on that day.  DO NOT LEAVE THINGS IN THE OFFICE.  If your passports are not completed and turned in by that date, you will not participate in mercado!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

la semana de 11 de noviembre

Hola clase,

This week the drills will be on SABER/CONOCER.  Homework will also review this concept.  We will be reviewing the vocabulary and beginning to write about our daily routines.  We will review Alicia's routine and one of her friends.  We will be working on listening activities this week as well. Be prepared to work and have homework each night.  Also review saber/conocer using the games posted on last week's blog.  Go to the archive to access it.

This week you will be assigned a book report based on our story of Christopher Columbus.  You will be getting a grade for it and will also receive up to 6 AR points.  We will continue with our vocabulary review and commands.  We will be practicing our commands as we give each other directions using maps and school field trip.  There will be homework each night so be prepared.  I will be grading your book projects this week and grades will be posted by the end of the week.  We will start command drills this week so study and review using the games in last week's and the power points placed on the portal as well. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

semana 04 noviembre

Hola clase,

This week we will begin with the activities we sis not start because we were doing Day of the Dead activities.


We will begin with the vocabulary for chapter 3B.  It is still a review chapter but we need to go over commands in the informal before we start with plural commands.  You will have activities related to giving directions, skits etc.  Be prepared to take notes.  We will be finishing our reading and your HW will entail reading ahead and coming in with your main idea and 3-5 details about the page.  We will cover his first voyage on Tuesday so be prepared to review.  You should look up the words you do not know prior to class. As soon as we finish with this reading you will be assigned a book report/review/critique to do.  Format to come at that time.  We will begin doing listening activities this week you will need to bring your workbook pages: section2:  56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,62 you will need them for Thursday.  I will place them on the portal for you to print out if you do not have them in the workbook.

Here are some commands websites for practice:
For commands:  practice using these games  (do only free exercises) (do only free exercises)  (another game)
(will be HW assignment next week)
(will be HW assignment)


This week we will continue with Saber/Conocer and begin with the new vocabulary.  I will be placing links below to help you with this concept and stem changing verbs.  I will also put links for the reflexive verbs which will be the next concept we will be covering after the introduction of the new vocabulary.  This week we will be working on our daily routine and clothing vocabulary.  We will be taking notes this week so bring your notebooks.  There will be listening exercises this week and next.  Your drills this week will be stem changing verbs.  Each class will be a different drill.  These could only be made up on Monday morning tutoring, no other days this quarter!!!!
(you tube is tontitofrito explanations)  ( powerpoint by other teacher)


reflexive verbs and daily routine vocabulary review
* future hw assignment:

Monday, October 28, 2013

semana de 28 de octubre

Hola clase,

This week we will be doing some traditional preparations for the Day of the Dead as it is done in Mexico.  We will be making our own papel picado, flores, ojos de dios (which is like a dream catcher).

We will continue the notes on Saber/Conocer.  You will have stem changing drills at the beginning of each class period from the list on page 27 and the ones you copied from the board.  You will have HW related to both concepts this week.  Expect HW each night except Friday.  You will also have your El Dorado test this week as well. I will continue to grade your projects.  I am half way done.  Do not expect grades to be put in until all have been graded.
You will also be copying the new vocabulary and you will be responsible for those words until we finish the unit.

This week you will finish Death in Granada and you will test on it.  We will continue our reading of Cristóbal Colón, you will need to read each page as hw and then we will discuss in class.  We will also begin work on a new grammar concept and new vocabulary. We will review commands this chapter and have activities related to giving directions.  You will have a mini project for this unit.  More details to come.

Friday, October 18, 2013

semana de 21 octubre 2013

Hola clase,

This week is the end of the first quarter and it will be a short week.  You will have your 9 week exam on Tuesday or Wednesday, which ever day I see you.

Your projects are due on the 24th or earlier.  If you are an even day the 24th is ODD that is the last day I will accept any projects, NO LATER.  Absences should turn in their projects EARLY!!!!  I will not be extending it for anyone! I will be grading them the 25th, if it is not here you will receive a Z for all parts of the project.

Study for your 9 week exam.  We will continue working with the grammar concepts we have been working on this past week.  Be prepared for HW with those topics and there will be drills for the verbs we are studying.

You must finish your comic strips, if you need more than 15 minutes you will need to come in Monday for tutoring this week, no later.  These are for an IB grade and will be graded this week.

Friday, October 11, 2013

semana de 14 de octubre

Hola clase,

As you all know I have extended your projects until the 24th of October.  It must be turned in by that day as the latest date!!!!  I will not be accepting any late work.  EXTRA CREDIT IS DUE THIS WEEK!!!!!! on the 17/18th no later!
Projects details are located in the archives for last week.

This week we will continue with last wee's work.  Start preparing for your 9 week exam it will be on the 22 and 23!!!

 This week we will be doing drills on IR + a be prepared.  We will continue working on the comic strips and talk about Hernan Cortes this week.  We will be watching a movie and other clips to help with your project.

This week we will continue working on Cristobal Colón.  We will continue reading and taking notes.  We are done covering the preterite so expect it for your 9 week exam which is on the 22nd.  It will cover chapter 3A which was a review.  Practice areas which you are struggling.  We will have a review game day but you need to be prepared.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

week of 07 October 2013

Hola Clase,

This week we will continue working with the irregular preterite.  You will have drills each class so study.  Some of you did not do well on the preterite classwork and will need to attend tutoring on Monday to improve your grade.  Your project is on last week's blog so go to archives to access.  Same with other preterito videos, access via past/archive postings. 


Here are some sites to help you with your project:

lorca and gypsies
project SO9:
 Remember there are websites for you to take notes on and to review the material.  We will continue our exploration of Spain.  Your next current event is due 08 October at the beginning of class.  Remember you need one positive and one negative article and then email me the articles. Do not print them out, save paper!  THEME:  celebrities/entertainment

Your next project will be about Spain.  Your are to create a MINI scrapbook.  Each page will display a city we have read about in class.  There should be a picture of your choice, label the page with the name of the city.  Include languages spoken, 1 cool fact from what you read, 1 place to visit in the city. You will need a map of Spain to include at the beginning of the book as a separate page. You will also need to add a  page in your book about Federico Garcia Lorca, 1 page on flamenco (what it is, where it came from, and your opinion about the music), 1 page on gypsies in Spain (3 facts), 1 page for bullfighting in Spain (3 fact/ include 1 for your opinion).  All will be in Spanish so keep your sentences SIMPLE and no using GOOGLE translator to do the work.  You will be deducted 10 points for every unoriginal sentence.  Project will be due on 18 October


You will be having drills on gustar this week.  We will continue to read this week and practice the vocabulary before your chapter test in 2 weeks. You will also do a writing activity this week and a comic strip to practice vocabulary. 

 I am placing the info for your project below.
Due date:  17(even)/18 (odd) October.  This will be the first grade for next quarter.

Using your notes (venn diagram)  from all the readings on Latin American Heroes you will create a small poster with the information.  In class we will work on translating information.  Your information will be done in English and in Spanish.  The English equivalent will be placed on the back of your poster board. So one of  the side in Spanish and the other in English.  On the Spanish side you will have to include 1 small picture of each of the heroes.  Underneath their picture you will write 2-3 sentences about the hero based on your notes (IN SPANISH).  On the opposite side you will write it in English.  Keep your sentences simple! NO GOOGLE TRANSLATOR!!!!!  
Example:  San Martín liberó a Chile.  Martí escribió poemas contra España. 
In the middle of your poster you will have the similarities section, labeled SIMILARIDADES.  In this section you will have 5 sentences minimum in this section (IN SPANISH).  You will then include 3 sentences about Chile's Independence Day and Colombia's Independence Day, include the day of their independence and ways they celebrate.  You will have an area for Día de la Raza/ Día de la Hispanidad (Columbus Day).  You will title your project:  Los Héroes latinoamericanos.  You will have a box with your opinión about the heroes.

Heroes to include:  José Martí, Miguel Hidalgo, Simón Bolívar, José de San Martín, Hernan Cortés, Cristobal Colón 
Grading:  spelling/ grammar 2 grades, requirements 1 grade, pictures 1 grade, neatness 1 grade

Friday, September 27, 2013

semana de 30 septiembre

Hola clase,

This week we will be reviewing the verb gustar, expect drills on this.  At the end of the week we will be quizzing on AFFIRMATIVE and NEGATIVE WORDS.  Start studying.  I placed on last week's blog sites from other teachers to help you understand the concept.  We will continue working this week on this before your quiz.  (Remember only DRILLS are for make ups not quizzes so study).  This week we will also be reading about another Latin American Hero:  Simon Bolivar. There will be homework this week, it will be provided to you.  Also we will continue with listening exercises.  We will continue working and reviewing vocabulary.


This week we will continue to work with the irregular preterite.  Prepare for a quiz next week.  This week you will have drills on the REGULAR preterite.  Remember there are websites for you to take notes on and to review the material.  We will continue our exploration of Spain.  Your next current event is due 08 October at the beginning of class.  Remember you need one positive and one negative article and then email me the articles. Do not print them out, save paper!  THEME:  celebrities/entertainment

Your next project will be about Spain.  Your are to create a MINI scrapbook.  Each page will display a city we have read about in class.  There should be a picture of your choice, label the page with the name of the city.  Include languages spoken, 1 cool fact from what you read, 1 place to visit in the city. You will need a map of Spain to include at the beginning of the book as a separate page. You will also need to add a  page in your book about Federico Garcia Lorca, 1 page on flamenco (what it is, where it came from, and your opinion about the music), 1 page on gypsies in Spain (3 facts), 1 page for bullfighting in Spain (3 fact/ include 1 for your opinion).  All will be in Spanish so keep your sentences SIMPLE and no using GOOGLE translator to do the work.  You will be deducted 10 points for every unoriginal sentence.  Project will be due on 18 October

Friday, September 20, 2013

semana 23 de septiembre

Esta semana tienen poco trabajo.  We have an early release as well.  Be prepared to work.  We will finish listening exercises as well this week.

This week you will be working on San Martín reading and comprehension questions.  We will continue our comparisons with the other Latin American Heroes we have already seen.  The school  vocabulary and affirmative/negative words will be the focus this week.  You will have a review worksheet on numbers.  You will begin it in class if you do not finish it you will be able to finish it for HW but it is still considered a CW grade.  Down below I placed videos to help you study for the affirmative/negative words.  The quiz will be next week (the first week of October).

 You will be working on el pretérito irregular this week.  You will also be reading about other places in Spain. You will be answering questions about the reading.  Review the powerpoints placed on the portal and take notes on them so you are ready for the drills and quiz next week.  Preterito regular will be the drills followed by the irregular ones.  Each class 3-4 verbs.  Below are presentations of irregular ones and songs to help you remember how to conjugate.  Hope it helps.  You have your eventos del momento due lunes!!! Be ready to participate in a tertulia if you have not.  Sitting outside may be an option on Monday, weather permitting.  Remember to email me the articles you are using.  DO NOT print them out, we are trying to save paper!  Also we will review your hw ws from last class to make sure you understand what you are doing. (this is a rap) (baby got, preterite song)

songs for irregular preterite:

SO8  (hope these help)

Affirmative (a song to learn negation)

Friday, September 13, 2013

la semana de 16 de septiembre 2013

Hola clase

This week is our kick off to Hispanic Heritage Month!!!  So we will be reading plenty about people and places that made an impact on what is now the Hispanic World.  We will culminate it with a tour through different classes to experience some of the contributions at the end of this month.


This week we will begin our tour of Spain, assign your Hispanic Heritage project, your extra credit assignment and continue our review of the community chapter. We will continue our verb drills.  You will see them each class period.  You will also have homework pertaining to the chapter we are reviewing.  Irregular preterite is our focus the good thing is you do not need accents bad thing is they all change drastically so there is lots to memorize :).   You will also have ser/estar verb drills this week.  We will continue to work with the irregular past tense and the week of the 23rd will start your verb drills on that topic.  Here are your two homework work sheets that will be due on Thursday.  You can copy and paste it to a word doc so you can send it to me or write the answers on a sheet of paper.  I will place notes on the portal and will share with those of you that asked to share through google docs (the irregular endings of the past).  2 worksheets due on Thursday 19 Sept.  You may as always write it in and then email it back as an attachment, print it or write the answers on a sheet of paper and bring to class.  It must be in the box or in my inbox by Thursday 345 pm NO LATER.

It is located on the portal  worksheet called: Spanish preterite worksheet preterito indefinido  (located after the powerpoints)
Notes on portal are a powerpoint and word docs about irregular preterite.  Future homeworks are also located there so be prepared to do them in the next few weeks.  It is important you know the preterite well before we move to imperfect.  The two links above are due by Thursday!!!

Eventos del momento: You will also have another current event due 23 September.  You will again use the same format 2 sets of news one positive and one negative happening in the country you are researching.  You will email me the articles!!! (as a link or as an attachment).  Do NOT print them out.  You have 2 emails to send it to, so choose 1 and send it 2 days prior to when your current event summary is due.  TOPIC: happenings in the community (good and bad).  They can not be older than the month of September!!!

Extra credit:  The 21st of this month is International Day of Peace.  For extra credit you will have a poem to recite in each of your classes, with teacher permission and to at least one administrator.  The poem will be given to you. You might be asked what it means so be prepared to answer. :)  After you say your poem, you are to remind those in the class Saturday is the International Day of Peace and that random acts of kindness towards others and towards the environment should be shown on this day as well as throughout the year.  You will then provide them with an example of what you will do to promote a more peaceful and harmonious environment in which to live.  You will be provided with a card to get signed.  You will turn your card in with the signatures for your extra credit.  Please remember to ask your teachers to allow you to read to the class.
The poems you will choose are by: Alberti, Lorca, Cervantes
I have placed a link with the poems for you to start practicing if you decide to do the extra credit.
 You may also recite "La Rosa Blanca" by José Martí (located in your text book)


This week we will begin reading about the heroes of Independence of Latin America.  We will also continue to have verb drills this week.  We will concentrate on ser/estar  and begin work on gustar.  We will have some review games to help you with the concept.  To practice ser/estar go to the archive section and choose last week's day so that link will come up then you can practice from there.  I am not placing it below.  Study!!! We will continue working on the school vocabulary as well.  Be prepared for a quiz in the near future especially after we finish all the listening comprehension activities and the readings we will be doing.  There will be hw this week but it will be given to you.

HW: I am placing the notes for affirmative and negative words on the portal and share with those of you that asked.  I will place them this weekend or Monday morning.  If you do not want to "Write" all the information or if you are absent when we cover the slides you may print them and bring them to class so you can take notes next to it.  I will have information missing so you will need to fill in in class.  I will also be placing a hw assignment the same way that will be due on the 25 of September in class or via email/portal.  ALL classes will need to turn it in by 1159 pm on the 25th.  NO LATER

IF you print out the notes bring to class on the 19/20 September to write the information that is missing.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

la semana de 09 septiembre 2013

Hola clase


This week we will be continuing your presentations on the school project.  You will also be having verb drills at the beginning of each period. We will start easy: -ar,-er,-ir drills then we will move on to ser/estar.  You will have homework practically every day from now on so be prepared.  Once we are done with our presentations we will start listening exercises and practice your vocabulary.  Start studying I feel a vocabulary quiz coming very soon :).  If you need some practice with your verbs  I will place games below and other websites below so you can practice.  Most of the grammar and vocabulary will be your responsibility to know.  In class we will focus on reading and discussions pertaining to the theme we are learning.  Starting next week we begin our Hispanic Heritage Month so each week we will have at least one activity pertaining to this month and the reasons why it is celebrated.  By October 15th we should have an activity to celebrate the end of this special month for your studies in Spanish and its many cultures.  No you will not have a project for Hispanic Heritage this year we will be doing activities in class.  You will have homework AND presentations with investigations you must do. We will discuss that at a later time once we have begun the month.

Your eventos del momento are due on the 9th AND your workbook pages (completed Sr. Wu!!!) as soon as you walk into class.  Some of you will be chosen for the first round of tertulias so know your article well.  This week we will begin to review some grammar terms as well as continue our review of the community vocabulary.  You will be working some out of the text book.  You will also begin with verb drills.  We will start with stem changing verbs, irregular verbs such as tener, poner, etc.

  If we get to go to the library this week you will be assigned your project.  Yes, this year it will be mini projects so you practice what you have learned all these years.  You will be doing lots of reading this year and in preparation to your project we will be reading lots about Spain and what that country has to offer.  Our project will involve Lorca and World War II and the Spanish Civil War.  Details to come soon...

Our first topic to tackle for grammar will be a review of el pretérito.

Below are links for you all to practice your verbs:

Stem changing verb:
(you tube is tontitofrito explanations)  ( powerpoint by other teacher)

present progressive:

ser estar:


regular verb games

classroom objects vocabulary:

Sunday, September 1, 2013

02 septiembre

Hola clase

This is a short week and you have your projects due for SO8.  We will also continue with the review of last year's material.We will begin presenting them and review the school and extracurricular movie.  Homework for the week is due on the 5th.  If you need a copy come see me ASAP since it is due the 5th.

Your next project is due on the 6th.  This week we will begin our listening exercises and new vocabulary.  Homework this week will be provided to you in class.  Be ready.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

semana 26 agosto 2013

Hola clase,

Esta semana tenemos examen.

SO8 and SO9  this week you will be taking a test to see your strengths and weaknesses on different Spanish subjects.  You will also have a quiz on the vocabulary you wrote down last week.  Study for that quiz. 

You should be working on your projects which are due this week for SO9 and So8 it is due right after Labor Day.  SO9  your second project is due right after Labor Day as well.

This week you will be assigned your country for your current events.  We will begin reading assignments of bull fighting and other readings so we can start our debates and tertulias.  You will be presenting your paragraphs this week but I am choosing only some of you to present to the class.  You will be having more writing assignments as well.  Oh and after Labor Day we will begin reading El Libro Secreto de Daniel Torres.  When we finish you will do a book report and will receive AR points for it.  So be prepared to talk AND write.  Sometime in mid-September we will begin la novela.

You will be given HW in your workbook this week.  You should have them at home SO9.  The HW will be due the following class.  There will be some workbook pages you will be asked to bring.  Bringing them will be for a HW grade.  These will not be done at home so pay close attention to what you must bring.
Your main hw is to study and to work on your 2 projects.

Current event topic:   one positive and one negative due Monday 09 September since we have 2 holidays the first week of September.

  This week we will be reviewing past material after you have taken the test to see what you need work on.  We will also begin a review of countries among other concepts.  It seems many of you forgot ALOT over the summer.  Remember your projects are due 04/06 September (depending if you are even or odd).  Come in if you need help.  We will begin listening comprehension exercises next week.  HW assignments are posted below: 

SO8: Due by Thursday/Friday (29 (even)/30 Aug (odd)) practice numbers: (do the exercise on each of these 2 websites) Best to type up your answers on a word document and then send it since it may not allow you to copy and paste.  BE honest and don't see the answers before you practice!  You may email me your answers or  write it on a sheet of paper and turn it in to me in class by this date!!!

Not to turn in but to study SO8:
These are for practice before the geography/ review vocabulary quiz:  (these are games to practice)
more websites to practice with:
use these websites to study:   (some are labeled and others are not so you can practice and check yourself)


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Nuevo Año Escolar 2013-2014

Bienvenidos a un año nuevo.

Nos vamos a divertir muchísimo y vamos a trabajar bastante.

This year things will be a bit different.  We will have to use this website more since we do not have workbooks.  We will be doing lots of projects and more skits.  SO9 be prepared your first 2 projects include creating games see below for more details and due dates.  SO8 we will start off a bit slower.  Be prepared to work.  Bring paper and something to write with.  Same rules apply.

I created a gmail account so you may access the worksheets and workbook pages you will need for homework and class.  In order for you to have access to those documents you must email me under:

Make sure you give me your name, period and then I will place you in a share group so you have access to worksheets.  I am hoping it is easier than placing it on the portal.  If and when I have time I will also place them there as well.  I might place them 1x a month.  There will be extra work since I am not sure what I will use.  It is always good practice before exams.  So HW #1  email me by: 06 September 2013 by 1159 pm.  It will be for a grade. 

Textbook is located on dadeschools.  If you want a hard copy see me 2nd week of school.

EVERYONE will have Current events and participate in Tertulias :)  Be ready to speak!!!

OH and of course  NO LATE WORK!!!
SO9 say good bye to English Fridays.  Enjoy our first week of class that will be your only English for a bit.  English days will have to be earned this year or it will cost you a peso.

SO8:  You will have Mon-Wed Spanish and Thurs-Fri English for this 9 weeks.  Next 9 weeks will begin with only English Fridays.

Yes, we will have pesos but unfortunately we will not have homework passes anymore.

See you on the 19th CAN'T WAIT!!!

SO9:  Your first project  DUE:   last Monday of August  (August 26th)
You will create a flash card game, some type of color coding is needed to distinguish each part of the sentence.  So color a border around the verb cards or use different color paper; do the same for the noun cards.  It is up to you.  You will also need one card with your name and period 1.

AOI:  Human Ingenuity
Card labels:
1.  Me gusta(n)/ No me gusta(n)       (one card with each- total 4 cards)
2. verbs (related to the following vocabulary topics:  school, chores, T.V. & movies, shopping, sports)
3. nouns (vocabulary: food, drinks, activities, animals, music, movies, games, shopping)

For the verb and noun cards:  you will need to create 3 cards per vocabulary topic.  Remember verbs will remain in the infinitive.

Example: card 1:  Me gusta                              verb card: jugar baloncesto
Example:  card 1:  No me gustan                       noun card: los programas de comedia

Again:  each topic above will have 3 cards + you will have 4 cards for the gustar (one singular and one plural)=  total of cards: 30 + 4    (some topics are repeated so they will count for both verbs/nouns)

Best way to do this project is to create a table on word type each card in a different box and then print.  Once you print them, cut them out and color them or put a sticker, etc. some way to differentiate between piles.  Each pile should also be separated by a paper clip or rubber band. 

Grading:  1 for requirement, 1 for spelling, 1 usability
On the 26th you will present your project to a group of students.  They will have to be able to form sentences with your cards.

Project #2:  AOI:  Human Ingenuity, ATL

Create a matching game or matching worksheet for verb tenses

If you do a worksheet, give directions of what is suppose to be done.  For example:  Match the correct subject with the correct verb in the present progressive.  Also create an instruction card for your game if you prefer to do the game. You do not have to provide an answer sheet.  Someone will be chosen to play your game or to match the information on your worksheet.  Please use material we covered from last year, including vocabulary.  If you do not remember use the textbook, up to chapter 4B.
You will need a minimum of 20 verbs (conjugated appropriately) and 20 subjects (noun/pronouns)

You will be assigned a verb tense (present, preterite, command, imperfect, present progressive).  You are to create subjects like yo, la muchacha, nosotros, los alumnos, etc.  The second part of the matching is to create verbs that will correspond with the subjects you have chosen.  For example: escribo, escucha la radio, comemos, corren a clase.

If you choose to do a game, you can create a powerpoint and even make it more challenging by making it a memory game as well.  It is like some of the games we played in class last year to review for tests.
Due date:  06 September
Grading:  1 grammar, 1 spelling, 1 completeness, 1 requirement

SO8  project 1
due: 4/6 September depending on your period  please email to either email by this date or bring to me in the  morning to drop it into your class folder.  You may also place it in the portal.  You will not have time to place your memory stick in the computer.  There are tooooooo many of you.  You will present on this date and I must have it prior to this class date.
This will be for ALL projects!!!

use pages 14, 40, 42, 68 of textbook for the vocabulary you will need.
create a powerpoint  all in SPANISH.  Label according to the directions located here.
slide 1:  label- en mi mochila
for this slide you will have pictures of school supplies and you will label them in Spanish. These are supplies are the ones located in a backpack.  So you will need a picture of the items and create text boxes under the picture with the Spanish word.  Look at the classroom posters as an example. 
minimum 6 items with corresponding picture and label.
  slide 2label- Mi horario escolar
for this slide you will list your classes by days (pares= even days) (impares= odd days),  you will use the words first, second, third, etc and then the name of the class you have that period.  Everything in Spanish (example: primera (1a) hora arte, segunda (2a) hora ciencias sociales/historia de EE.UU.)
slide 3: label- En mi aula favorita
Describe your favorite classroom this year.  Describe the items located in the classroom such as desks, chairs, etc.  All in Spanish.  minimum 6 items
slide 4: label- Reglas de la escuela y en la clase
You will need a minimum 5 rules for each topic:  Divide slide in 2  one section will be labeled Hay que... the other side of slide will be labeled Se prohíbe...
slide 5: label- Las Actividades Extracurriculares en mi escuela
for this slide you will put pictures and the names of activities/clubs/sports in your school.  You will need a minimum of 8 (NOT JUST SPORTS).  Only half may be a sport at your school.

Grade:  1 grade= requirements met, 1 grade= spelling (accents count), 1 grade= creativity/effort
(for more details on the breakdown of the grades, it will be provided in class, the rubric will be projected on the screen prior to presentations)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Week of 22 April

Hola clase,

We are getting down to the wire.  This week Monday and Tuesday you will be using the notes o saber and conocer that you have taken to do different activities.  We will also be working on the imperfecto, our last grammar topic for the year.  Till the end of the year we will be working mostly on vocabulary and creating skits and presentations.  We will be finishing with the celebration chapter by the 1st of May be ready for a chapter test on all we have covered since spring break.  The test will be right after the end of the year trips so start preparing now.

saber and conocer websites:


Current event Mexico:  any topic you want due this week.  Be prepared to participate in another tertulia.


We are putting the final touches on the recipes for the cookbook. You will be presenting your recipe to the class as an oral presentation.  I will give you the rubric next class to look at so you know what is expected of you and how you will be graded.  Next week we will cover the subjuntivo (formally) since you have been seeing it off and on since last year.  Be prepared!   Till the end of the year we will be working mostly on vocabulary and creating skits and presentations.  We will be finishing with the celebration chapter by the 1st of May be ready for a chapter test on all we have covered since spring break.  The test will be right after the end of the year trips so start preparing now.  Watch these videos and be ready to discuss by the end of next week.

what is it?

Monday, March 11, 2013

semana 11 marzo

Hola clase,

This week we will check all the classwork assignments we have not finished checking.  We will review direct object and indirect object pronouns.  (For practice see links on last week's blog)  Since the 9 weeks is at the end, I decided not to give a 9 week exam this time and instead you will have the 9 week exam plus all the material covered up to progress report of next 9 weeks.  This will be a cumulative exam for 14weeks worth of material. Start preparing now and yes, WalkOut will also be on that exam. 

This week we will work on demonstratives and direct object pronouns and begin with indirect object pronouns. Be prepared for pop quizzes this week on those topics.  You will have homework each night, this is the price so you do not have work over Spring Break.  We will also begin imperfect tense in the next 2 weeks.  Be prepared to work until the end.


We will finish our translations this week of your recipes and begin the community service project (the Cookbook) this week.  Next week you will present and begin working on your recipe demonstrations.  This week you will begin working on the subjunctive and we will be reviewing direct and indirect object pronouns.  Your 9 week exam has alos been postponed until progress reports.  Yours will be cumulative and have more vocabulary and the book we are reading will also be on the exam.  We will continue to read Daniel Torres and should be done by Spring Break.  When you return you will write your book report and receive AR points for the last quarter.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

la semana de 04 marzo

Hola clase,

This week we will be watching "Walkout".  You will have a quiz based on the presentations Monday and Tuesday (if we finish all presentations).  After we finish the movie you will have a quiz on it.  This week for you will have homework based on the topics you took notes on (demonstrative adjectives and direct object pronouns).  You are responsible for that information.  If you are having trouble with it and I am unavailable I am placing links here for you as well.

You will continue your work on imperfecto, your recipes and direct/indirect object pronouns together in a sentence.  We will be working on Daniel Torres chapters 2-4 in this week.  Be prepared to work lots together as well.  You are responsible for studying the grammar topics since you will be quizzed at anytime in the next 2 weeks.  Your finished translations will be due before Spring break.  (direct object pronouns) (direct/indirect used together)  (read and take practice test) (game)  (video and game)


Saturday, February 16, 2013

semana de 19 febrero

Hola clase,

As you know this week I will be out.  You will be working on review concepts from last year, such as direct object and indirect object pronouns.  For those of you that skipped a level this will be all new to you so take good notes.  I will leave information on the board for you as far as formulas go.  Watch the videos if possible and take notes on them too.  If the videos cannot be shown take notes on each page from which you have work assigned. You will be responsible for this material so make sure you take good notes.  I will only review in the context of going over the assignments. 
SO8  remember your power point on the Chicano Civil Rights Movement is due to me via email or placed on the portal by 1159 on the 20th of Feb.  Your permission slips to watch Walkout are also due no later than the 20th.  If you lost it have your parents write a note with a signature and phone number giving you permission to watch the movie.

Some of you asked how to place material on the portal.  Here goes :  1.  go to dadeschools 2.  log in 3.  when your class schedule comes up click on Spanish 1 class colloboration folder (it is the yellow one) 4.  you will be directed to a "purple-looking page", scroll down to homework drop box 5.  click add new document 6.  hit browse and find your document  7. hit OK on bothscreens 8.  you will be redirected to the purple page make sure you can see your document with the word (new next to it) 9.  open it make sure it can be viewed.

SO8: HW:  1960s worksheet.  Answer all the questions on a separate sheet of paper.  It is important that you do it so no HW passes will be allowed.  Be ready to present your powerpoints on the 26/27th and then we will begin the movie.

You also will be working on review material.  Take notes!!!  These will be the only ones you get since it is review from the past 2 years. For homework you will be finishing your classwork packets on the imperfect.  They are due the 26th!  Also be ready for a quiz on the imperfect when I return. Beginning the 26th we will start working on your recipes!  Be ready.  That week I will assign when your presentations are due.

Current event: Carnaval is due 26/27 Feb  for SO8 and SO9!!! Tertulias will also occur at the beginning of class those days.

If you need anything, contact me via email be good for the sub!

Friday, February 1, 2013

semana 04 febrero 2013

Hola clase,

SO8:  This week we will continue to work on our new vocabulary.  We will also continue to work with the preterite.  We will be practicing the irregular ones.  Expect a quiz soon on this topic.  Your chapter 2A test ws postponed to this Monday and Tuesday.  I hope you have been studying.
Topics to come:  demonstrative adjectives.
As soon as we are done with the clothing aspect of our vocabualry we will begin working on our community project.  Decide what kind of store you will like to have.  You will be making an advertisement for this store to get others to shop there.

End of February:  We will begin to watch the movie Walkout which is about the Civil Rights. You will be having some investigative homeworks based on the movie and in preparation to watching it.  You will need to get the permission slip signed by your parent/guardian in order to watch the movie and all other movies we will watch in this class.  If I do not have a permission slip you will not be allowed to stay in class.  You will be given alternate assignments.  Permission slip must be turned in by the due date or no movie.  If you lose it have a parent write a note giving you permission to watch the movie.

Your next current event will be due: 05/06 February countries: Honduras/ El Salvador topic: community problems (examples: dirty water/ people becoming ill for unknown reasons/ toxic dumping) So8  expect to present in the next tertulia if you did not participate in the last one.

I am placing assignments that are coming up for all of you So8/SO9.  Some of these are test preps.  I will not be collecting these for a grade.  It is a study tool for all of you.
SO8:  go to type in code: jdd-0218, jdd-0308
SO9: type: jdd-0408, jdd-0508, jdd-0608, jdd-0707

SO9:  We will be reading chapter 2 and 3 of El Libro Secreto... You will be writing your first impressions of the book so far as well as answer a few reading comprehension questions.  You will be assigned imperfect HW as well as CW when we are not reading El Libro Secreto... Continue using the links provided in order to practice and understand the imperfect.  Your chapter 6A test had been postponed last week; expect it as soon as you walk in Monday and Tuesday of this week.

SO9:  You will be assigned videos to watch and take notes on. You will then be asked to explain it to a classmate and compare your explanation with their's and figure out if you are both correct or semi-correct. This will be one of our tertulias. Be prepared for lots of work with this tense since it is important. Once you feel confident with this grammar topic you will be asked to create a mini video to present to the SO8 class who will begin learning the concept shortly. For the mini video you will once again work in pairs. You will provide examples, show the difference between it and the preterite, explain its purpose, etc. In order to film you will have the option of using the classroom/ board etc. before class on the dates assigned. you can also do it on your computer with a camera if you so wish. We will discuss this soon but be prepared.

We will then return to food and the formal commands to make sure you understand it well. For this topic, we will be helping in a healthy food project for a local children's hospital (Children's Miracle Network). You will be given community service hours and recognition for your participation in the acknowledgment section of the book, once published. So we have a busy 9 weeks.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

semana 28 enero

Hola clase,

So this week we will be testing :(  I know.  I hope you are all studying for your chapter test and you have revirewed your grammar. The current event/ tertulias were a success.  We will continue doing tertulias so you are all expected to be ready to present.  Remember we are focusing of speaking the rest of the year.

This week in class SO9 we will also begin our book:  El libro secreto de Daniel Torres.  With it we will travel to Argentina and our country's capital.  I will be checking your vocabulary list on Tuesday to make sure you will be able to keep up with the reading.  Based on the book you will also be working with grammar. You will need to be able to identify the present, present progressive, preterite and the imperfect in the reading. It will take us a while to read this book since we are only reading for part of the class each day. There will be reflections assigned and other related activities to the reading.  At the end of the book you will write a book report and receive AR points for the reading.

SO8 we will be reading and listening to some conversations in different/realistic settings.  You will then be asked to recreate or discuss information from the reading.
I will be combining your shopping chapter with the community chapter. Plan on creating your own store which will then be located in the community we will create as a class. I have not decided yet if we will have a fashion show or not. I will let you know.
SO8:  you need to bring the following workbook pages to class.  The rest will be assigned as homework.  For Wed/Thursday bring:  section 2 pages 35-38  (writing/audio section).

Your next current event will be due: 05/06 February countries: Honduras/ El Salvador topic: community problems (examples: dirty water/ people becoming ill for unknown reasons/ toxic dumping) So8/So9

I am placing assignments that are coming up for all of you So8/SO9.  Some of these are test preps.  I will not be collecting these for a grade.  It is a study tool for all of you.
SO8:  go to type in code: jdd-0218, jdd-0308
SO9: type: jdd-0408, jdd-0508, jdd-0608, jdd-0707

SO9:  Our next big grammar topic will be the imperfect. You will be assigned videos to watch and take notes on. You will then be asked to explain it to a classmate and compare your explanation with their's and figure out if you are both correct or semi-correct. This will be one of our tertulias. Be prepared for lots of work with this tense since it is important. Once you feel confident with this grammar topic you will be asked to create a mini video to present to the SO8 class who will begin learning the concept shortly. For the mini video you will once again work in pairs. You will provide examples, show the difference between it and the preterite, explain its purpose, etc. In order to film you will have the option of using the classroom/ board etc. before class on the dates assigned. you can also do it on your computer with a camera if you so wish. We will discuss this soon but be prepared.

We will then return to food and the formal commands to make sure you understand it well. For this topic, we will be helping in a healthy food project for a local children's hospital (Children's Miracle Network). You will be given community service hours and recognition for your participation in the acknowledgment section of the book, once published. So we have a busy 9 weeks.

SO8/SO9 grammar sites:  I will make links on the useful resources section

Friday, January 18, 2013

week of 22 January

Welcome back from a long weekend!

This week we start a new quarter, be ready for it to get a bit more intense.


Your current events are due 24/25 JanCountry: Costa Rica/Nicaragua and the topic was your choice. I will be choosing about 7-10 of you for our first tertulia session.  Those chosen will discuss their article in a group and then we will all ask questions, discuss the article, give our opinions, etc.

This week we will finish with reflexive verbs.  Expect homework every night.  You will also need your workbook.  We will be writing a paragraph and have a peer editing session as well before you turn it in to me.  Hope you have been studying because you will be having the chapter test the last week of January. 

After we finish this chapter we will begin reading conversations in different locations.  You will then be using these examples to create your own.

I will be combining your shopping chapter with the community chapter.  Plan on creating your own store which will then be located in the community we will create as a class.  I have not decided yet if we will have a fashion show or not.  I will let you know.

Your next current event will be due:  05/06 February countries:  Honduras/ El Salvador  topic: community problems  (examples:  dirty water/ people becoming ill for unknown reasons/ toxic dumping)


We once again are reviewing stem changing and irregular forms of the preterite!  We will be finishing with our sports chapter.  Your project will be due 25th January.  be ready to present on that day.  I am placing the websites to help in your project below.

This week:  Your projects are due and we will continue working on the past tense.  Start preparing for the chapter test.  You will be testing next week. 

The last week of this month we will begin reading our book El Libro Secreto de Daniel Torres.  As we read you will be assigned vocabulary to define and translate.  Yes, you will be doing both, a Spanish definition and a translation but expect on quizzes the definitions in Spanish.  Based on the book you will also be working with grammar.  You will need to be able to identify the present, present progressive, preterite and the imperfect in the reading.  It will take us a while to read this book since we are only reading for part of the class each day.  There will be reflections assigned and other related activities to the reading.

Our next big grammar topic will be the imperfect.  You will be assigned videos to watch and take notes on.  You will then be asked to explain it to a classmate and compare your explanation with their's and figure out if you are both correct or semi-correct.  This will be one of our tertulias.  Be prepared for lots of work with this tense since it is important.  Once you feel confident with this grammar topic you will be asked to create a mini video to present to the SO8 class who will begin learning the concept shortly.  For the mini video you will once again work in pairs.  You will provide examples, show the difference between it and the preterite, explain its purpose, etc.  In order to film you will have the option of using the classroom/ board etc.  before class on the dates assigned. you can also do it on your computer with a camera if you so wish.  We will discuss this soon but be prepared.

We will then return to food and the formal commands to make sure you understand it well.  For this topic, we will be helping in a healthy food project for a local children's hospital.  You will be given community service hours and recognition for your participation in the acknowledgment section of the book, once published.  So we have a busy 9 weeks.

Here are the links  right off the power point  (for some of you, you will need to do the research on your own, there were too many sites to place on here):

México: Meso american ball game, charrería, Pelota purépecha, pelota mixteca, ulama,

España:  Jai alai (, Bossaball, soccer (a form originated in Spain, similar to the Chinese)

Perú:  Paleta frontón

Argentina: Pato (by the gauchos)